
Hetalia Fanfic- Conquest Chapter I

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ArianaMoonlight's avatar

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"Who's turn is it?"
"You should have been paying attention."
     Smoke wafted in generous amounts from the second speaker's mouth as his taut fingers pulled out a tattered cigarette. The filter had been chewed thoroughly as if the smoker had worked on it for a prolonged amount of time, and embers fell periodically onto the viridian-coloured pool table. A pair of cerulean eyes could be seen through the billowing wisps of pungent smoke. When the ashen miasma broke, a pallid, taut face was visible, with a prominent eye ridge and two orbs of plaintive blue that were evidently much brighter. It was if a juvenile happiness had gone as soon as it had came in this man.
     He had a very tight face, and the skin was so bleached that it had almost become diaphanous, crosshatching veins quite obviously visible. Faint stubble manifested, in the shape of a mustache and haggard sideburns, which connected to a mop of aureate hair, untidy and just as worn as the cigarette's filter. It was carelessly done and had a sheen to it, not from cleanliness but from the sheer amount of grease sitting at the roots. He wore a threadbare V-neck, embellished with a multitude of emblems bearing the all--too-familiar Swastika. A pair of slattern cargo pants was supported by a lacerated belt.
     "I feer rike I don't know you any more." A different voice articulated, his voice bedimmed by a copious Japanese accent. This man was dressed much more posh, wearing a baroque off-white dress shirt embroidered with a flaxen-ochroid "x" in the center of the chest area. The tone of the trim was a germane colour. His hair was an atramentous raven and had been slathered with mousse, smooth and barbed at the tail of his cut. This one's face was more rounded, and he was obviously well-nourished, in fact, ever so slightly zaftig.
      No answer from the aureate man. The room was enveloped in an irascible state, and the tension broke only when the evidently German blonde lifted his pool stick. Bending awkwardly over the eucalyptus table after dredging the pole's tip with a fine cobalt powder, he aimed at a kelly green ball, then rapped it with a force strong enough to shake the table. After momentarily ricocheting, the tinted ball tumbled down the shallow chute, taking its place within the melanoid net containing a stygian auburn ball. His cerulean eyes swiveled so he could see the Japanese man and keep the game in his periforal vision.
      Noticing the blunt signal, the raven picked up his own pole, gracefully caressing the mahogany finish before maculating the tool with identical powder. His aim was focused on a solid...heliotrope, as it seemed, ball with a distinct dent pounded into its surface. However, just before he would hit it, he sussurated, "A subordinate of yours appears to be deepry concerned about you." The ball weakly oscillated, as the player had not been paying full attention to its path. "She gives you her regards."
      The German sighed, a misty film enveloping his eyes, a slightly mesmerized look overcoming him. "..." A slight disconcerted moan emanated from him, and he seemed to twitch with the sheer tension of the question. "Describe her." His voice was just as asperous as his attire, but it nearly quaked with sadness.
      "Hmm... hair a warm grurro[grullo] tone, evidentry naturar auburn highrights, phtharo[phthalo green] green chinos and tuxedo, moderate bust..." The Japanese stopped as he had received a bellicose look from his ally.
      "You don't have to go THAT in-depth, debauchee." He narrowed his eyes, even more lurid of the usual jubilant spark  than normal.Averting his cerulean orbs and smoothing his tattered hair with an uniquviocal hand, the German responded, "Yeah. Nova." In the background, although the sound was practically by the thick, opaque glass, a salient outcry was heard in fluent German. Two figures were highlighted in magnanimous green suits, both male. The first one, about five foot six, seemed to be cringing, and the second, nearly three inches taller, was clearly an individual of some recognition, and he was ordering his apprentice in a paramount tone.
      "That's a bit uncouth, Ludwig." The Jap kvetched, staring the German in the eyes. "But...your companion. She's quite a pretty one, and I think you should put her presentiment into consideration."
      "Please." Ludwig derisioned, rolling his eyes and lifting the pole once more."Nova and I wouldn't have acquainted if it weren't for Ole." He carped the pole at his chest and struck a Cal Poly ball, the sound of wood against phenolic resin reverberating. "She's only in this war for her grandfather."

      At the subsequent moment, the taller figure turned to face the two men playing billiards. Not many features could be seen, but the most prominent....

      A dark, almost onyx, mustache just under his nose.

((A hug to who can figure out who Ole is.))
Not For Young Audiences- Suggestion to smoking, ideologically sensitive material, vile time in history

A little something I wrote....

Who can figure out who Ole is?

=This is based on my own heritage. Please tell me if it's good.=
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